It’s the New Year and this is when we take the opportunity to plan changes and create a new start

I’m sure many of you have started January with exciting new ideas and goals for the future. The question is, by March, how’s it going?!

There are lots of articles on the Internet about how to set goals and change your life. In fact, I spent a rainy afternoon looking for inspiration and new ideas to add to my mental filing cabinet. Most of these are a variation on a theme; different ways to approach the same subject. So I looked back on 2017 to see what I had achieved and how many goals and dreams I had fulfilled. I have to say, I was quite surprised! Of all the things that I had set out to do at the beginning of 2017, I had achieved nearly all of them!

I set my goals for a new year over the Christmas period, although I have an on going ‘Big Picture’ plan. I have a process to create a flexible goal setting strategy, however, the one thing that I found was the most powerful tool for me, is a vision board.

If you don’t know what a vision board is, it’s a collection of images and bits and bobs, that represent your dreams and goals. There are lots of examples on Pinterest.

Surprisingly, there is a precise science behind the most successful vision boards. If any of you have seen the film, or read the book ‘The Secret’, this is a good start to how to manifest your hearts desire.

My vision board had images of the people I wanted to work with, the places I wanted to travel to and the figure I wanted to earn. I also had inspirational quotes and other things that had meaning. I use a piece of A4 card (in a pretty colour) as I want it big enough to be obvious, but small enough not to get in the way. You can put what ever you like on a vision board, as long as it is personal to you and represents your goals for the year.

Once you have created the board, place it somewhere you will see it every day – I have mine on my bathroom mirror. I also have a photo of it on my phone as a screen saver.

Your brain has an internal setting that is like your own personal Google; the reticular activating system. When you see something and attach some emotion to it, your brain will search for it. It will make you more likely to notice when an opportunity arises to take action towards your goals.

If your curious about how to make a vision board and the science that makes them effective, have a look on my website for the next Law of Attraction Vision Board workshop.